Modern Dance is a style that was developed in America and which includes elements of Contemporary and Jazz techniques. There is a focus on rhythm and how we use the body as a response to music. Exercises are varied and incorporate different styles and dynamics.
Below is some information about the different levels we offer:

Grades 1-6, Intermediate Foundation, Intermediate, Advanced 1 and Advanced 2:
All of our Modern classes follow the ISTD graded syllabi. In these classes, students start with a warm up, technique exercises, corner work and amalgamations. They also practise rhythms and get the opportunity to create their own steps to a set rhythm. Students learn dances in both lyrical and upbeat styles.

It is worth noting that, although all of our modern classes are examination classes, students are not obliged to enter for official exam should they wish not to. Students will continue to progress onto the next grade with their peers and enjoy dancing.
If students choose to take exams, each grade also provides UCAS points, which can be used to help with university applications.
Our Modern Dance teacher is Miss Amy.